India’s Role in SAARC: An Appraisal
The success and performance of regional cooperative arrangements mainly depends on
the role and behaviour of its member states, particularly the core member. The core
state is superior then others in terms of its size, population, military and economic
power, level of industrial development and natural resources etc. The core member can
either spur or impede the regional cooperation on the basis of perceived benefits in the
process. Its behaviour is generally determined by its self-image, national capabilities,
potential to achieve its interests unilaterally or through its linkages with great powers
outside the region. Under these theoretical underpinnings, the study endeavours to
investigate India’s role in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).
India controls the key position lying in the centre of South Asia and being the largest
member of SAARC as it encompasses about four-fifths of the regional territory,
population, Gross Domestic Product and global trade etc. This study employed
qualitative research method, using descriptive and analytical tools. Data has mainly
been collected from the secondary sources such as published books, research reports
and articles etc. Thematic analysis method has been used to generate patterns, make
generalizations, and draw conclusions.