Pakistan-China Defense Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges


  • Zahid Yaseen
  • Muhammad Muzaffar
  • Khadija Shahbaz


The dynamic partnership between China and Pakistan in defense cooperation is the
subject of this qualitative study, which is marked by both opportunities and obstacles.
This paper explores the various facets of this relationship by examining the military
cooperation, technology exchanges, and strategic alignment between the two countries.
The two countries' common geopolitical objectives present opportunities: China gains
strategic clout in South Asia, while Pakistan gains access to China's cutting-edge
military hardware. But this cooperation is also shaped by obstacles including
geopolitical complexity, conflicting interests, and regional tensions. This study attempts
to provide a complete and comprehensive overview of the defense collaboration
between two Asian neighoburs, Pakistan and China, by looking at the historical
background, current developments, and future prospects. It also offers insights into the
implications of this cooperation for global geopolitics and the dynamics of regional

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